Our Top Chobe Safari Photographic Tips

Hello and welcome, here are our top Chobe safari photographic tips that can help you get some stunning shots regardless of your photographic equipment or experience

First remember that there are going to be two main items on your Chobe to do list, a boat cruise and game drive and its very important to get the timing of these two events right if you want to get good photographs

(1) So here we go point one, mornings are for Game drives!

First in the mornings you are more likely to see the cats (lions and leopard) and that’s what game drives are about for a lot of us, and second there are not as many animals next to the river in the mornings as there are in the evenings,so unless you are looking for water birds and babbons you really don't want to be doing morning boat cruises. Third the lighting on the river in the mornings is sadly wasted, because on the sunrise side of the Chobe  river you have a very  high tree line on top of a hill add into the equation that you will be low down in a boat and all this means is that by the time the sun gets over the tree line that magic morning light, that you were hoping to use is long since gone .

(2) Boat cruises  are for the evenings, reasons are as follow,

First if you taking photos of animals on the main land Chobe you will now have the sun behind you not glaring down your lens as you would find if it was in the morning, second is Sududu  Island a absolutely flat island on the sunset side of the Chobe a perfect place to shoot those magical pictures of elephants silhouetted by the sinking sun and finally, your chances in the evenings of seeing elephants swimming across from main land Chobe to sududu island will be much higher then they would have been in the morning.

Well that’s my two pence worth of photographic tips for Chobe, happy photographing!!!


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